In these times of uncertainty, sometimes of doubts, of crisis where everything seems to be called into question, what immense happiness to feel such an entrepreneurial dynamic in France and in Europe thanks to Bpifrance!
Xavier Niel @Iliad
Throwback to #Big2022 with Nicolas Dufourcq, Emmanuel Macron, Sibyle Veil, Paul Hudson, Guillaume Gibault, Jacques Attali, Lucie Basch, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, BORGET Sebastien, Guillaume Faury, Delphine d’Amarzit, Andrea Marcolongo, Antoine Frérot, and so many other amazing and inspiring speakers, thank you!

Nicolas Dufourcq

Emmanuel Macron

Guillaume Gibault

Yann Arthus-Bertrand
In this historical period, profoundly upsetting economic and societal models, it has never been so essential to follow one’s intuition, to be audacious, inspired, confident, free and passionate: Individual metamorphosis is the key to collective metamorphosis.
1: Sebastien Borget, Co-founder & COO @TheSandbox | 2: Xavier Niel, CEO @Iliad | 3: Jacques Attali, Ecrivain & Economiste @PositivePlanet | 4: Lucie Basch, Co-founder @TooGoodToGo
Left: Loïc Soubeyrand, CEO @Swile | Bottom: Sibyle Veil, CEO @RadioFrance
© 2025 Damien Clère.