More than 50 companies, 600 jobs, 4000 candidates and conferences: this is the ChangeNOW Impact Job Fair event!
Back to the round table “Why and how did they join an impact position” with:
– Kat Borlongan, Chief Impact Officer Contentsquare
– Emma Scribe, Head of Major Investor Time for the Planet
– Tanguy Verluise, CPO Omie & Cie & Cofounder Le Ticket
Left: Kat Borlongan, Chief Impact Officer @Contentsquare | Center: Emma Scribe, Head of Major Investor @TimeforthePlanet | Right: Tanguy Verluise, CPO @OmieCie & Cofounder @LeTicket
Faced with multiple social and environmental challenges, impact must be at the heart of the economic models of startups and innovators, actors of responsible change; being responsible also rhymes with financial performance and unicorns.
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